As we’re fond of saying, there are many ways to make a return. The beauty of a Sarasota property investment is that the returns come in many guises: incredible lifestyle, covering the cost of your vacations, and long term appreciation is some of them. But for many the return, they’re looking for is cash flow, […] Read more

What Kind of Return Can You Expect From a Florida Property Investment?

How to Vacation for Free in Sarasota
How would you like to holiday for free? Let’s say that could be for a couple of weeks at a time on a sandy beach where you can swim, fish, walk, or just be? Would that suit you? We have many clients who do just this: investing in a piece of Sarasota real estate which […] Read more

Guía de 7 Pasos para Comprar una Propiedad en la Florida
En conversaciones con nuestros clientes y amigos con quienes nos reunimos como resultado de nuestra labor en Europa y en el Reino Unido, a menudo notamos alguna aprensión acerca del proceso de compra de propiedades en América, ya que para muchos esto es un tema totalmente desconocido. Felizmente, somos capaces de ofrecer información que conforta […] Read more

¿Qué Tipo de Ganancia Puedo Esperar de una Inversión en una Propiedad en la Florida?
Somos amigos de decir que hay muchas maneras de hacer una ganancia. La belleza de invertir en una propiedad en la Florida es que la ganancia viene de muchas maneras: un estilo de vida increíble, cubriendo los costos de sus vacaciones y una apreciación a largo plazo son unas de ellas. Para muchos la ganancia […] Read more

¿Cuál es la Diferencia Entre un Realtor, un Agente Inmobiliario y un Bróker?
Hemos enfatizado muchas veces la necesidad de encontrar un Realtor en la Florida en quien confiar para guiarlo por todo el proceso de compra. Una de las primeras preguntas que con frecuencia nos hacen es: ¿cuál es la diferencia entre un Realtor, un Agente Inmobiliario y un Bróker o Intermediario Inmobiliario? Estamos conscientes que muchos […] Read more

¿Cuánto Dinero Necesito Para Invertir en una Propiedad en la Florida?
¿Cuánto Dinero Necesito Para Invertir en una Propiedad en la Florida?Por supuesto que esa es la pregunta de los 64 millones de dólares, y la que más nos preguntan en nuestros viajes. Lo que usted finalmente decida invertir se reduce a tres cosas: la cantidad de capital que tenga disponible para invertir, la ganancia que […] Read more

Does it Cost Me to Use a Realtor in Florida?
No, as a buyer, it costs you absolutely nothing to use a Realtor. In Florida, real estate sales commissions are paid out of the seller’s proceeds. Effectively, that means that buyers don’t incur any cost to have a Realtor working for them. We can’t emphasize this concept enough, as the value of working with a […] Read more

There’s More to Florida’s Waters Than the Best Beaches in America
In our opinion, Florida offers quite simply one of the best lifestyle propositions in the world today. The obvious draws such as sun, golf, and the Gulf beaches, continue to pull in the visitors year after year, but we believe the little-known natural splendor of Florida’s waterways also contribute hugely to the wonderful lifestyle here. […] Read more

Where Should I Buy or Invest in Florida?
Choosing an Area of Florida Most people who choose to purchase a home in Florida, have a previous relationship or experience of the place they wish to buy-in. Or they have a close friend or relative who has that experience and is able to advise them on the area’s outstanding features. For other people who […] Read more

Can I Use the US Visa Waiver Program to Buy Property in Sarasota as a Foreigner?
If you’re considering buying a property in Sarasota, one of the first questions you may have is whether or not, as a resident of another country, you need a visa to buy real estate. The short answer is no. You don’t need any special visa or paperwork to buy a house in Sarasota, as our […] Read more

How to Buy a Property in Sarasota with Professionals You Need
You will need the assistance of many professionals on your journey to being a Sarasota homeowner, and in fact the list can be daunting. As a first step we want to stress that the most important professional you will hire is, without doubt, your Realtor. Unlike in the UK, and many other countries in the […] Read more

Checklist For Choosing Licensed Realtors in Sarasota
We have spoken time and again about how choosing a Sarasota Realtor to represent you is possibly the most important decision you will make as you begin your search for a home in Sarasota. Real Estate transactions — whether you are buying or selling — are major financial and life-changing events. Just as you would […] Read more