He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home”
– Goethe
I recently saw an episode of House Hunters International on HGTV featuring a British couple who wanted to leave London in search of a better quality of life. It struck a chord, as this is such a common theme in my day-to-day experience in the Sarasota housing market.
Every time I meet with prospective sellers and buyers, I’m seeing the primary goal as change of lifestyle, and most often the drive behind the move is for a better life. In my opinion this is absolutely the right way to approach a property search.
Watch my video below to gain my advice on what’s the most important factor in choosing your Sarasota property purchase.
Location is Everything When it Comes to Lifestyle
What is most important in assessing how a property change will affect your life is to understand that the main lifestyle-influencing factor is the location. In the House Hunters episode, the couple had chosen to move to Cannes, France, an incredibly charming community on the Mediterranean Sea (which I’ve been lucky enough to visit several times).
The viewers at home followed along as they visited three completely different spaces and places. Each offering different cosmetic exteriors and trappings, but also at their heart totally different lifestyles.
The Importance of Knowing the Living Experience You Want
What impressed me the most from this couple was their ability to see past both exquisite interiors and dilapidated spaces and choose the setting that was the best match for the life they so wanted for themselves. In the end they chose the flat (apartment) that needed the most work, including: new plumbing, electric and an air conditioning system.
Yet it was absolutely the right choice, as the location that would give them the lifestyle they sought. As my mother, a realtor of many decades, continues to remind me: “You can always change a house but never its location.”
Seeing Past the Cosmetic to the Life of Your Dreams
I know that many of today’s buyers prefer not to do work on a property, which is a shame, as they may sacrifice their best lifestyle match in the process. My advice is to get a good designer and have fun creating your ideal layout, features or decor.
And to sellers: If you’re trying to sell a special location, any investment you make that means there is less work for the next owner, makes it easier for the buyer to go ahead and buy. You will both get your money back and get it sooner. I look forward to celebrating your successful transaction on the red carpets of Sarasota: 941.587.0740.